Well, tonight me and brandyn are going out for date night (something we deserve). I'm really really excited, for one we havent really spent much time together with him working alot of overtime and having 3 kids to chase after and take care of, and for two because we really havent been out to do anything just the two of us in awhile. I would like to take this moment to let everyone out there in "blog world" know how much i truly do love brandyn and how much I appreciate him. I know we had our problems in the past with the fighting , arguing , and even the divorce but I honestly think that all of that happened was probley a good thing because now we are closer then ever and our relationship is the greatest it's ever been. I think we have both grown up alot over just even the past year , we dont fight anymore (well little arguments here and there but what couple doesnt) , we spend more time together as a couple and as a family (which makes the kids alot happier now then I have seen them in the past). I also want to applaud brandyn for taking on the responsibility of Libby when he didnt have to and for stepping up and being the wonderful daddy we all know he is. I dont know if anyone knows how much I do truly love this man (trying not to cry so I can see the screen and continue to type lol) and love him for just being him and helping me out so much and going to work everyday to support his family even though some days, I'm sure like everyone else, he would just rather stay home. Since I'm talking about Brandyn and thanking him for everything he does I think I should thank his family too. So here's to Dave and Lisa for putting up with our crap, listening to our b.s., yelling at us when we needed it and still helping us out when we've needed them (always), thank you for everything you have done for the both of us, individually and as a couple, we love you! So i'll end it here cause I need to get off my butt and clean house lol.
April 12, 2008
Posted by Jennifer Minick at 7:11 AM 6 comments
April 05, 2008
Last night I got a little crafty and worked on making samples for my scentsy candles im making (www.scentsy.com/jenniferminick). I got the idea from my best friends mom who also sells them and got me started (thank you Sherry, love u!). Anyways, I couldnt get my computer to download the pre-made lables from the Scentsy website (the start up kit came with business cards), so I had to write my name, number and web address on all of them (still dont have half of them written on, there's a lot), then i made my scent samples by melting the wax bars and pouring different scents into candy molds (little flowers), then wrapped it up in plastic and tied it with a ribbon and my business card. They turned out pretty cute, but boy did I make a mess lol. I think I may do more in a few cause Makayla is at nana and papa's, Libby is sleeping, and Brandyn is taking a test so I'm sitting here bored. I cant wait to give out all my samples lol i really like the way they turned out. I showed Brandyn and he said your making a mess and what are you going to do melt all your sample scents (i got like 80 little samples in jars in the starter kit) then you wont have any left and blah blah blah I was like WHAT? why cant you say NICE JOB HUNNY, THEY LOOK GOOD HUNNY, THEY REALLY TURNED OUT NICE HUNNY lol, MEN lol. Well, I guess I'll end it here. If you have any friends out there who are interested in these candles let me know I can give them some samples I made or they can smell the 80 scents I have lol. Thanks for listening!! xoxo
Posted by Jennifer Minick at 9:58 AM 4 comments
April 03, 2008
First Day of Blogging
Posted by Jennifer Minick at 10:57 AM 5 comments