July 02, 2008


I just got an email from Grandma Patti telling me I've been tagged for a mini-meme , so here it goes!

  • Where was I 10 years ago: Hmm, first I was 14, wow umm I believe I was a freshman in high school, getting into alot of trouble and hating school! I went out with friends alot and drank (not the best thing for a 14 year old I know, but I was 14, I wasn't going to listen to anyone lol). I lived right across the street from the school, hardly went, my mom got sick of it and called the cops, they drove me the whole 2 feet to school! *I was horrible, and I dont know how my mom put up with me!*
  • Snack Food I like: I'm not really big into chips, cookies and all those types of snacks, but I do love Twix and creamy ice cream bars, banana flavored, yum!
  • If I were a billionaire I would: First pay off all our loans, debts, everything, fix up brandyns truck the way he wants it, take my kids shopping and buy them whatever they want without having to tell them no, buy my brother joe a car! Help out everyone in my family with whatever they needed! Also, I was watching the news the other night on fox 5 and they have the RANT where anyone can call in or write about what makes them mad and one lady called in pissed off at people who see kids on the side of the road (homeless, with their parents) in this 115 degree heat and no one stops to help, that made me so sad, I would build some type of huge building to help families, not only in the summer time but all year long!
  • Places I have Lived: Las Vegas, Alamo, Laughlin, Pahrump and somewhere in Arizona but not for very long.


pchickki said...

Good job Jennifer
Very interesting.
Time to go to bed!
Love ya

pchickki said...

Hi Jen
I got my candles today and I love them. Should have done this along time ago. Thank You

Also thanks for visitng my blog. Yeah, old buildings are so interesting and one always wonders about the history of them. We have an old town hall here that used to be the court house. Now it has a resturant and dance hall on the second floor. We went there once and where we were sitting there was an old wall safe. I was so curious i just had to open it so I did. It is now a closet !

I just sat there and wondered how many hearings and trials were held there and how many people got their marriage licenses there and what offices were in that building. I just wonder wonder wonder. It is one of my favorite things to do is look at old buildings and wonder.

That old casino must have had a place in your heart for some reason so when it burned you felt a sadness.

How are the kids? Is Brandyn still working nights. Tell him hello for me and kiss the kids.

Thanks again for the candles Jennifer I really like them. Now my house smells so pretty!
Love Grandma Patti