KASEN LEE was born July 22, 2008 at 10.36pm weighing 7lbs 8 oz, 20.5 inches long (if i remember right lol). He has dark dark brown hair, a little curly and has the smallest little head (im just use to the big heads my kids were born with lol). They induced Gina (my sister) that Monday, she started labor Tuesday afternoon, me and my mom stayed with her through it all. I got to see him be born which was really pretty cool (eventhough Brandyn said it would be nasty), my mom didnt want to cut the umbilical cord so I got to do it! It was a pretty amazing experience seeing that, since I never got that far having my own kids. I'm so excited I'm an aunt. Now I have a kid I can spoil and send home! I kept trying to talk Gina into letting me keep him , but it was a no go on that one lol. Poor little guy had swollen testicles, so Thursday night they took him to NICU for his surgery Friday morning. My mom had to go home to go back to work so Gina stayed with us and me and her went up there Friday early morning to visit with him before he had surgery, it was so sad to see him hooked up to the IV and he's so tiny I dont know how they got it in his arm. They had to end up removing I think it was the left testicle, but he did great during surgery and went home the next day. He is doing fantastic, no problems, and looks alot better "down south". I wish I had all the gas in the world so I could drive back and forth every day to see him. Libby gets so jealous when I hold him lol, and everytime he would cry she would just stare at him funny and be like hey you cant do that, thats what I do lol. Well, here's some pictures from the day he was born and after. ENJOY!
July 29, 2008
Posted by Jennifer Minick at 4:38 PM
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